HomeDLSU Dialogue: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Cultural Studiesvol. 22 no. 1 (1987)

A Homage to Brother Miguel Febres Cordero

Carlos Felice Cardot

Discipline: Society



Towards the middle of the Twentieth Century, a group of young men of the local region, and of the States of Yaracuy. Trujillo, and Portuguesa, in particular, were taking primary or secondary institution throughout the Midwestern region. It was the time, and all through several decades after, this was the only secondary institution throughout the Midwestern region. It was run by a group of French Brothers, all graduates from different branches of secondary and college education, and well versed in the knowledge of pedagogy. They were learned and wise, if wisdom is understood as not only prudent and proper conduct in life, but also a profound knowledge of a science. The French educators who formed the faculty were in control of various branches of knowledge: they were mathematicians, naturalists, and philosophers, and had the special ability to make themselves understood.

(translated by Ma. Dolores Arboleta)