HomeThe Trinitian Student Researchervol. 1 no. 1 (2008)

Instilling Positive Values Among Children Through the Animated Program ‘Doraemon’

Kristen Jan Aragon | Jordan Christian Conoza | Mark Joseph Narvadez | Mary Aileen Ortega | Leana Aiza Tagasa

Discipline: Social Science



This study determined the perceived influence of the animated program ‘Doraemon’ on the values of children viewers. The participants included grades 4, 5 and 6 pupils of Trinity University of Asia. Through a survey questionnaire coupled with focus group discussion, the researchers found out that in watching the show young people were able to empathize with the central characters. The show gave them an opportunity to reflect and assess their own behavior when exposed to the same situation as the characters of the anime.ÂÂ