HomeAdvancing Radiologic Technology Researchvol. 1 no. 1 (2013)

The Level of Discomfort Experienced Among Patients Who Undergone Mammographic Examination

James A. Almajar | Jesyl D. Abugho | Erich Jan E. Ebcas | Diana Cristy B. Rosell | Kareen June P. Sabaña | Charisse Mae L. Sabellina

Discipline: Statistics, Mammography



The study was designed to measure the level of discomfort experienced among patients who have undergone mammographic examination. First, to identify the profile of the patients in terms of age, size of breast, marital status, and number of mammogram examinations experienced and family history of breast tumor. Second, to determine the perception of discomfort experienced by patients before, during, and after the procedure. Third, to determine the relationship between the profiles of patients and their perception of pain during the procedure. To achieve the objectives, the study used the descriptive survey since the researchers decided to determine the extent or the level of pain experienced by the patient during mammographic examination. The respondents of this research were patients, who have undergone mammographic examination in selected hospitals, in Cagayan de Oro City namely; Polymedic General Hospital, Cagayan de Oro Medical Center and Madonna and Child’s Hospital. Majority of the respondents that had undergone mammographic examination belonged to the age bracket of 41-50 years old, with cup size B (breast), married and first time to undergo mammographic examination. It showed that most of the respondents felt nervous before examination. Moreover, the results showed that there is a significant relationship between the size of breast and number of mammograms experienced whereas ages, marital status, family history of breast cancer were not significant.