HomeAsia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciencesvol. 1 no. 1 (2014)

Improving the Quality of Nipa ( Nypa fruticans) Wine

Ronald O. Ocampo | Normalina P. Usita

Discipline: Economics



This study was aimed to improve the quality of nipa wine. Specifically, it was intended to determine what fruit juices that can be added to nipa wine that improve its quality; compare the sample treatments in terms of taste, color and aroma; and determine the cost of production of the different samples. The different treatments were: T0-Nipa wine (NW) control, T1 Nipa wine + Mulberry fruit extract T2 NW + Pineapple, and Treatment 3 NW + Calamansi. The samples were evaluated by 30 panel of judges in terms of taste, aroma and color. Data were analyzed using ranking and rank difference was further tested using the Friedman’s rank test. Results revealed that T1 was the most preferred sample in terms of taste and color while treatment 2 on aroma. The least preferred treatment was the control. Rank differences showed highly significant result in their taste, aroma and color. Hence, nipa wine can be further improve using fruit juice additives. Hence, the following recommendations are forwarded: Mass Production of the improved nipa wine should be undertaken as part of the income generating activities of the college; Promotion of the improved nipa wine should be done especially in trade fairs; The alcohol, sugar content and other nutrients content should be done which is a needed in the development of product label; Design and development of packaging materials should be done for an added market value; Conduct other researches which focuses on other fruit additives should be done; Similar studies should be conducted especially to other wine of less economic value.