HomeAsia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciencesvol. 1 no. 1 (2014)

Gender Roles in The Textile Industry of Apayao

Ronald O. Ocampo

Discipline: Social Science



This study was conducted to examine the dynamics of the community, farms and households, in order to understand the role of men and women in the textile industry. Specifically, it is intended to : determine the activities of men and women in the textile industry; determine the time spent by men and women allotted to their daily tasks; analyze the role of men and women in the textile industry. The descriptive method of research was used with the gender analysis tool kit as main data gathering tool. Purposive sampling was done in selecting the respondents of the study which involves 30 respondents. Results showed that women are heavily involved in textile related activities especially weaving but also share the responsibility. Men assist in the production of textile products. Men devote of their time in their primary source of income-farming.Based on the above findings, women play a great role in the textile industry. They are the key players for they are the one involved in most of the textile related activities particularly weaving. Men also share responsibility in the textile industry by assisting the women perform their work. In the light of the findings, the following are forwarded as recommendation: conduct seminar/ training on gender sensitivity among couples; conduct trainings on fiber processing especially banana and abaca and other abundant fibers in Apayao to both men and women; similar research should be conducted to other commodity looking at the contribution of both men and women in the industry.