HomeAsia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Researchvol. 1 no. 1 (2013)

Integrating Sense of Humor as a Teaching Strategy among Students of LPU-Batangas

Francis Kayode Ashipaoloye



The place of humor as a social phenomenon on teaching cannot be underestimated. Human beings are the only risible creatures, the only species that laughs. Research has revealed that humor plays a significant role in building a harmonious relationship between teachers and students. Humor helps students to be awake and attentive in class especially when the course is very “philosophical”, “scientific” or laden with unfamiliar terms.

The research utilized descriptive methods derived the qualitative and documentary research approaches to justify the need to integrate humor as a teaching strategy among Lyceum of Philippines University (LPU) students. More specifically, it described the demographic profile of the subjects of the study in terms of age and grades. Furthermore, it looked at the perceptions of students on the effect of humor on teaching and the relationship between respondent’s profile and perception on sense of humor.