HomeAsia-Pacific Social Science Reviewvol. 11 no. 1 (2011)

A Tribute To The Late Cristela Goce-Dakila, PhD

Exaltacion E. Lamberte



In this volume, we wish to pay tribute to and honor one of the editors of the Asia-Pacific Social Science Review, Associate Professor Cristela (Telly) Goce-Dakila. She joined our Creator last January 29, 2011.


Prof. Dakila was born on March 17, 1955. She earned a Ph.D Engineering at the Kumamoto University, Japan under a Japanese scholarship program; an M.A. Economics and a B.S. Business Economics at the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City. She spent nearly 56 years devoting herself to teaching, research and active engagement in professional organizations. She was treasurer of the Pi Gamma Mu-Beta Chapter, responsible for the prudent but productive use of its funds, while upholding transparency in financial matters at all times.