Discipline: Education
This study was carried out to evaluate and assess the management of the Laboratories in General Education of the Davao Doctors College. Specifically, the study sought answer to the following questions: First, the extent of institutional support to the laboratory in General Education in terms of the Fees, Facilities & Equipment and Supervision & Administration. Second, the degree of compliance of the laboratory in General Education to regulatory agencies, specifically Commission on Higher Education, Private Association of Colleges and Universities – Commission on Accreditation, Phil. Drug Enforcement Agency, and the Bureau of Fire Regulations. Third, the level of implementation of the management of the laboratory in General Education as rated by the faculty and staff with regard to the Operating Procedure, Procurement, Advocacy, Utilization, Maintenance, Monitoring & Evaluation, Policies, and Sanctions. The fourth problem inquired whether there is a significant relationship between institutional support and degree of compliance, and management of laboratories in General Education. The fifth inquired which independent variables contribute significantly to the management of the laboratories in General Education and the sixth, what development plan may be designed on the basis of the findings. The study utilized the descriptive method of research. The study was conducted in the institution where the laboratories are located and used by the faculty and students. A total of fifty two (52) respondents, (47 laboratory instructors and 5 staff members) taken thru universal sampling willingly answered the survey instrument. The management of the laboratories with regard to operational planning, procurement, advocacy, utilization, maintenance, monitoring and evaluation, policies, and sanctions was moderately extensive and functioning very well. Of the parameters, monitoring and evaluation was rated lowest.
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Reazon Carl
10 months ago