HomeWMSU Research Journalvol. 30 no. 1 (2011)

Fitzgerald Keys and Apple Tree Language Approaches:Effects on The English Achievement and RetentionLevels of Hearing-Impaired Pupils

Iana Rene L. Circulado

Discipline: Language Arts, Discipline



The objective of this study was to determine the effect of Fitzgerald Keysand APPLE TREE Language approaches by Mc Anally and Quigley (1987)on the English achievement and retention level of the hearing-impairedpupils. The intermediate hearing-impaired pupils were chosen as subjectswho included (3) grade levels, namely: Grade V, Grade VI and Grade VII ofWestern Mindanao State University Laboratory Elementary School enrolled forthe school year 2007-2008. To pursue with its objective, the study made use of the quasi-experimental design, where the Grade Point Average (GPA) wasused to create the two groups. In this design the intermediate SPED pupilswere the subjects. They were divided into two groups. In group A, the teacherutilized the “Fitzgerald Keys” language approach while in group B the “APPLETREE” language approach was used. After a month of teaching the targetedlesson of five different topics, the Achievement Test was administered toboth groups. Then, a week after, both groups were given the same test todetermine the subjects’ retention level on the acquired knowledge. The resultof the analysis showed that both groups who were taught using FitzgeraldKeys and APPLE TREE language approaches had good achievement andretention levels. Based on this result, it was concluded that the APPLE TREEand the Fitzgerald Keys language approaches are both effective for thehearing-impaired pupils and can further enhance the activities suited to theneeds of the pupils. It was recommended, then, that teachers continue to usethe Fitzgerald Keys and APPLE TREE language approaches.