HomeAni: Letran Calamba Research Reportvol. 1 no. 1 (2011)

Personality Types and Parenting Styles of Homosexual Fathers in Selected Areas of Laguna

Ma. Carina M. Layog | George Bryna D. Ferrer | Mara Queenie M. Fortunado

Discipline: Psychology



The study looked into the personality types and parenting styles of three homosexual fathers in Calamba and Los Baños, Laguna. Father’s roles, kind of child rearing and relationship of personality types, and parenting styles were also determined. In-depth interview, standardized test, and self-constructed test were used to gather data.


Results of the Keirsey temperament sorter test revealed that the personality types of the three participants fall in the guardian personality type: one falls in the guardian-provider while the other two are in the guardian-supervisor. With regard to father’s role, the participants applied three father’s roles – the breadwinning, caretaking, and nurturing. On the other hand, the child rearing practices employed by the homosexual fathers to their children from early childhood to early adolescence are almost the same. They were disciplinarian from early childhood to early adolescence by imposing roles to their children, but no longer applied corporal punishment to their adolescent children. In terms of the parenting style, they all manifested democratic parenting style except for one participant who is inclined to use two parenting styles – authoritarian and democratic.


It was found out also that there is a relationship between the parenting style employed by the homosexual fathers and their personality. The democratic parenting style of the homosexual father depends on his guardian personality. However, if the spouse of the homosexual father is absent, there is a tendency to have two parenting styles, as shown by one of the participants, to cope with rearing his children alone.