HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 5 no. 1 (2000)

The Reading Proficiency of the Maritime Students of TIP Manila: Basis for an Intervention Program

Corazon C. Gregorio | Rogelio G. Dela Cruz

Discipline: Education, Reading, Maritime Studies



The primary goal of this study was to present an assessment of the reading proficiency level of the maritime students of TIP-Manila. Specifically, this study attempted to determine the profile of the student-respondents in terms of age, gender, year level, course, type of school graduated from, high school point average, medium of communication used in the family, and exposure to the English language. It also attempted to assess the reading ability of the maritime students in TIP-Manila in terms of vocabulary skills, verbal analogy skills, reading comprehension skills, paragraph organization skills, paragraph comprehension, and skimming and scanning skills. Furthermore, it determined if there is significant difference between the reading proficiency of the marine engineering and marine transportation students of TIP-Manila.

The respondents of the study were composed of ninety-two (92) marine engineering students and one hundred eighty-one (181) marine transportation students who are officially enrolled in the first semester of academic year 2007-2008.