HomeTIP Research Journal Quezon Cityvol. 4 no. 1 (2007)

Employability and Productivity of Accountancy Graduates of TIP-QC SY 2004-2006

Myrna T. Belen | Eduardo F. Diaz | Nelson D. Abarintos

Discipline: Education, Accountancy, Employment



Any country’s future success is intricately linked with its investment in human capital. A nation that looks to developing economic growth, as well as, providing an environment where its citizens have the ability to develop their full potential must analyze, reflect and have a clear strategy of how to create an environment which provides employment opportunities and greater social cohesion.


As Professor Ellul Micallef had said, “employability after graduation and over the long term is, understandably, the major priority for the vast majority of our students”. For the past years, the school has increasingly offered a wide spectrum of higher education courses that have provided students with the necessary tools enabling them to develop their employability skills, to heighten their own awareness of these skills and to improve their ability to articulate them. These skills, once acquired, of course need to be honed throughout one’s working life, being put into practice not only in job searching and during interviews but also in personal development planning and in making the most of work experience opportunities. There is no doubt that a student’s lifelong learning capability and therefore his employability is enhanced through his school experience.