HomeLCCB Development Education Journal of Multidisciplinary Researchvol. 1 no. 1 (2012)

Mentoring the mentors program: transforming teachers, school leaders and school’s achievement

Elvira R. Arellano | Purita P. Bilbao | Rejie F. Palmos | Hidlago C. Montano | Diolizata R. Lazarito

Discipline: Management



Adhering to the Education Revolution program of the Foundation for Worldwide People Power, Inc. (FWWPPI), the West Visayas State University College of Education (WVSU-COE) took an effort towards genuine social and political renewal. The WVSU-COE strives to work for quality teacher education in order to produce empowered teachers for both elementary and secondary levels, principals and administrators who have a strong sense of professionalism, clear purpose and vision. To achieve these goals, the WVSU-COE conducted the Mentoring the Mentors Program (MMP) for cooperating teachers and school heads of the cooperating and partner schools. Evaluation results showed that participants have imbibed values to bring nurturing dimension back to teaching. They likewise became empowered participants as agents of change by developing their mentoring skills and leading their co-teachers or mentees which in turn brought about transformation in students’ attitude and academic achievements. Mentoring the Mentors Program has gone beyond borders to effect the desired change in character, attitude and mental set of the cooperating teachers and administrators and had a ripple effect to the student teachers and students. This paper concludes with the discussion of the potential and relevance of MMP as a vehicle to improve teacher education pedagogy, and as a vehicle for reform and research in the future.