vol. 11, no. 1 (2018)
JPAIR Institutional Research Journal
JPAIR Institutional Research aims to publish researches by practitioners which focus on students, faculty, financial/economic, technical and institutional studies designed to provide decision support to the stakeholders.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Table of Contents
Editorial Policy
Assessing the Economic Benefits of Higher Education
Christia C Baltar
Discipline: Economics
Workbench in the Teaching of Optics to Junior High School
Emerson B Cuzzamu
Discipline: Education
Instructional System of Research Education Program and Research Skills Productivity of Students in Science and Technology Oriented High Schools in Caraga Region
Benjie P Jacob
Discipline: Education
Research Competency among Elementary School Teachers: An evaluative assessment for School-Based Action Research (SBAR)
John Clyde A Cagaanan | Beatriz D. Gosadan
Discipline: Education
Assessment of the Student Satisfaction on the Consultation Program
Richie L Montebon | Rafael M Bachanicha
Discipline: Education
Web-Based Strategic Performance Management System for State Universities and Colleges (SUCS)
Edralin R Raro
Discipline: Information Technology
Predictors of Internship Performance among Graduating Teacher Education of Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
Kenneth Samonte | Pastora De Guzman
Discipline: Education
Sequential Teaching as a Strategy in Grade 10 Science Content Delivery: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Influences
Beth Catherine M Dongon
Discipline: Education
Greening the Curriculum: A Strategic Waste Management for Chemical Wastes in School Laboratories
Jacqui Lou Baguios Valenzuela | Marilyn M Blancaflor | Cynde Rose S Solatorio | Edwin T Anata | Juliet Salubre
Discipline: Ecology
Determining factor in Mathematics Achievements of the Freshmen College Students in an Asian Country
Juliet C Lagrimas
Discipline: Mathematics, Education