vol. 25, no. 1 (2018)
IAMURE International Journal of Ecology and Conservation
The IAMURE International Journal of Ecology and Conservation aims to publish new discoveries in ecology and conservation which are contributed by member researchers from around the world.
The IAMURE International Journal of Ecology and Conservation is an international peer reviewed journal that provides a venue for scholars to publish their research findings for advocacy and utilization.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Table of Contents
Editorial Policy
Guide for Authors
Production, Proximate Analysis and Functional Properties of Dragon Fruit Peel Powder
Shella B. Cacatian | Lyndon John V Guittap
Total Phenolic Contents and Antihyperglycemic Effects of Selected Indigenous Philippine Plants
Cesar G Della | Elisa S Della | A.L J Pineda
Level of Awareness and Practice on Solid Waste Management of Students of ASIST
Maria Digna T. Bose
Knowledge, Perception, and Attitude Towards Climate Change Among Mung Bean (Vigna radiata) Farmers
Rosalie C. Leal | Reynaldo M Brutas | Julie F Espinosa | Bonyvic M Garcia