Open Access Subscription Access
Yandri S Ndun
Discipline: Education
Fransiskus X Lodhu Basa
Kartika Marta Budiana | Djuwari Djuwari | Gunasti Hudiwinarsih
Wendee Jon G Biclar | Jencen T Rabor | Gemini F Asok | Felix E. Arcilla Jr.
Rodelio B Pasion
Discipline: Social Science
Beverly D. Jaminal
Lukmanul Hakim
Marselus Yumelking
Madelyn A Aniñon
Lilibeth A Bajoyo
Clent Gale Dacanay | April Grace Otida | Charlyn Panganduyon | Felix E. Arcilla Jr.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Table of Contents
Editorial Policy
Errors in Writing of Recount Text from Indonesian into English by the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 4 Kupang Timur in the Academic Year 2016-2017
Yandri S Ndun
Discipline: Education
Improvement of Reading Comprehension of the 10T Grade Students of Public Senior High School 1 (SMAN 1) Wolowae, Nagekeo in Academic Year 2016/2017 through the Explicitly Taught Vocabulary (ETV) Model of Teaching
Fransiskus X Lodhu Basa
Discipline: Education
The Teachers' Motivation in Joining the Training on Scientifc Paper Writing
Kartika Marta Budiana | Djuwari Djuwari | Gunasti Hudiwinarsih
Discipline: Education
“In The Zone”: Lived Experiences of MVC Music Instrumentalists
Wendee Jon G Biclar | Jencen T Rabor | Gemini F Asok | Felix E. Arcilla Jr.
Discipline: Education
Knowledge of Social Studies as Predictor of Citizenship Behavior of Secondary Student Leaders of Butuan City, Philippines
Rodelio B Pasion
Discipline: Social Science
The Impact of School Facilities to the Teaching-Learning Environment
Beverly D. Jaminal
Discipline: Education
The Influence of Macroeconomic and Global Factors on the Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI) in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the Period 2013-2017
Lukmanul Hakim
Discipline: Education
Cognitive Levels of English Test Items Constructed by EFL Teachers of Senior High Schools
Marselus Yumelking
Discipline: Education
Assessment of the Learning Resource Center of Saint Michael College of Caraga
Madelyn A Aniñon
Discipline: Education
Collection Evaluation of Saint Michael College of Caraga – Learning Resource Center
Lilibeth A Bajoyo
Discipline: Education
The Efficacy of Strategic Intervention Materials (SIMS) in Teaching Social Studies Among Third Year High School Students
Rodelio B Pasion
Discipline: Social Science
Challenges Experienced by the Student Teachers of Philippine College Foundation During Their Practice Teaching
Clent Gale Dacanay | April Grace Otida | Charlyn Panganduyon | Felix E. Arcilla Jr.
Discipline: Education