vol. 21, no. 1 (2017)
CMU Journal of Science
It is a pleasure to introduce the first issue of the CMUJS Volume 21 which consists of
various original research articles in diverse fields of science. This journal is made, through the
zealous efforts of the CMUJS Board members, dedicated reviewers, language editors, CMU
administrators and other individuals.
This issue contains mostly of natural science articles with an additional special article in
Disaster science and management. It covers topics such as Suppression of Bacterial Leaf Blight
in Rice Plants, Crystallinity of Hydroxyapatite Powders, Carbon Sequestration of Trees, Determination of Water Requirement in Lowland Rice Fields, the Flexural Response of Ferrocement
I-Beams and lastly, Managing Local Disasters that passed Through a Challenging Doubleblind peer-review process before publication.
The CMUJS publication board commends the effort of the researchers for continually being
engaged in research activities. CMUJS will serve as a means of circulating the research findings that will be of practical help to students, teachers, decision-makers, and other researchers
through online and forum exchange. Also, CMUJS looks forward to receiving more articles
from them and others across the globe for the next incoming issues.
May the CMUJS respond appropriately to the pressing publication need. With the support
of the different researchers across disciplines, it has thrived for years, and it will continue existing to fulfill its purpose.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Aim and Scope
Editorial Policy
Publication Board Members
Editorial Board
Guidelines for The Submission of Articles
Table of Contents
Suppression of Bacterial Leaf Blight (Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae) using Local Isolates of Rhizobacteria
Fedencio V Paslon | Revelieta B Alovera | Carolina D Amper | Myrna G Ballentes
Discipline: Crop Science
Crystallinity of Hydroxyapatite Powders from Acid Washed and Thermally-Treated Tilapia Bones
Bienvenido M Butanas Jr
Discipline: Material Science
Effects of Sugar Mill Lime Sludge Treatment on the CBR and UCS of Expansive Soil in Bukidnon
Cheryl F Daleon | Glen A. Lorenzo
Discipline: Civil Engineering
Determination of Water Requirement for Alternate Wetting and Drying Irrigation Method of Lowland Rice in Bukidnon
Nelsa J Olila | Roejae Carlo A Ang
Discipline: Agricultural Engineering
Leoncio Mariano C. Acma
Discipline: Civil Engineering
Managing Local Disasters: Capacity Needs for Disaster Risk Reduction Management (DRRM) in Bukidnon, Philippines
Angela Grace Bruno | Eva N Mendoza | Jedilyn M Tandog
Discipline: Special Article for Disaster Science and Management