Open Access Subscription Access
Kim O Catabian | Erwin L Del Valle | Allan A Galopo | Ralph Nikko A Plata
Arianne B Arjona | Pauline Kaye M Bautista | Jocelyn E Edma | Maria Idda Jemima P Martel | Erika Dyan N Octavio | Neil P. Balba
Glenn Christopher J Lambino | Rica Mel L Linatoc | James Matthew P Lumbres | Ricardo M. Bobadilla
Kim Carlo A Lat | Airra Joyce M Lat | Jeo Cedric P Penaloza
John Darell C Aguda | Ma. Ramona A Alcantara | Jomalyn F Bueser | Favis Joseph C Balinado
Christian Averion | Fritz Cedrick Mendoza | Francis Joe Ortiz
David F Odesola | Ritchele Olivarez | Brenn A Ramos | Daryl Malolos | Patrick Viray
Ryan Jeffrey Curbano | K.I. D. Alvarez | P.A. C Buiser | M.A. M. Hoylar
Table of contents
Front Matter
Table of Contents
Design and Development of Positions Switching Photovoltaic System
Kim O Catabian | Erwin L Del Valle | Allan A Galopo | Ralph Nikko A Plata
Design and Implementation of an Arduino-Based Security System Using Laser Light
Arianne B Arjona | Pauline Kaye M Bautista | Jocelyn E Edma | Maria Idda Jemima P Martel | Erika Dyan N Octavio | Neil P. Balba
Design and Implementation of the Proposed Four-Storey High School Building in Lyceum of the Philippines - Laguna Using Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
Glenn Christopher J Lambino | Rica Mel L Linatoc | James Matthew P Lumbres | Ricardo M. Bobadilla
Design and Implementation of the Proposed Two-Storey Multi-Purpose Green Building at Brgy. Bagong Pook, Malvar Batangas
Kim Carlo A Lat | Airra Joyce M Lat | Jeo Cedric P Penaloza
Design and Implementation of Water Velocity Monitoring System Based on Hydropower Generation and Antonyan Vardan Transform (AVT) Statistics
John Darell C Aguda | Ma. Ramona A Alcantara | Jomalyn F Bueser | Favis Joseph C Balinado
Development of an Electrolytic Cell Using Coconut (Cocos Nucifera) Water as an Electrolyte for Perimeter Lighting
Christian Averion | Fritz Cedrick Mendoza | Francis Joe Ortiz
Internet of Things (IOT) Based Home Automated Weather Monitoring System
David F Odesola | Ritchele Olivarez | Brenn A Ramos | Daryl Malolos | Patrick Viray
Upper Extremities Musculoskeletal Disorder Related to Use of Computer and Mobile Phone Technology
Ryan Jeffrey Curbano | K.I. D. Alvarez | P.A. C Buiser | M.A. M. Hoylar