vol. 10, no. 1 (2020)
Scientific Augustinian
Scientific Augustinian, the science and technology research journal of the University of San Agustin
(USA), aims to facilitate the dissemination of research findings and advancement of knowledge in the natural sciences, allied medical fields and engineering. The journal publishes original articles, short communications, and review papers on topics on the broad fields of Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Pharmacy, and the allied medical fields of Medical Laboratory Science and Nursing and accepts submission on a rolling basis throughout the year. The journal accepts manuscripts from researchers from USA community, from other institutions in the Philippines as well as from foreign institutions. Through this journal, the University expects to stimulate research and scholarship among its faculty and staff, and enable the research outputs of the University and those of other contributors to easily reach both the national and international scientific communities.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Table of Contents
Editorial Note
Review Article
Marine-derived Streptomyces as Sources of Bioactive Compounds with Potential Pharmaceutical Applications
Julyanna R Bruna | Sheeny Fane L Leonida | Diana S Amago | Angelica Marie V Aguadera | May C Octaviano | Lucille S Bolivar | Leeman Jigs C Ambata | Jonel P Saludes | Doralyn S Dalisay
Full Article
Phytoreductive Hydrothermal Synthesis of Polyethylene Gycol-coated Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery Applications
Pete Gabriel L Ledesma | Ronaniel A Almeda | Mark Louis P Vidallon | Ronilo V Aponte | Jonel P Saludes
Biomimetic Solar Tracking for Optimized Photovoltaic Power Generation
Rexel U Sabran
Epiphytes on Seagrass species, Enhalus acoroides and Cymodocea rotundata, Endemic to Tongo Beach, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu, Philippines
Edda Brenda S. Yerro | Dinesse A Labiros | Shieldy C Despi
Back Matter
Guide for Authors
Back Matter