Open Access Subscription Access
Cynthia D. Garambas | Jeftee Ben B. Pinos-an
Gigy G. Banes | Kristine Baniqued-Dela Cruz
Francis Simonh M. Bries | Karryl Mae C. Ngina | Joan Bonsol-Marasigan
Amelia M. Kimeu
Ma. Theresa B. Dolipas
Froidelyn Fernandez-Docallas | Ruth S. Batani
Jovalson T. Abiasen | Gaudelia A. Reyes
Luisita L. Ely
Rodeliza A. Flores | Rochelle B. Quintos | Pelin B. Belino | Amelia G. Bawang | Florida S. Rosario | Dalifer A. Gano | Maravilla M. Senado
Andres A. Basalong | Von Y. Amado | Hazel Lyn B. Talbino
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Table of Contents
Awareness and Perceived Implementation of Barangay Micro-Business Enterprise Act of 2002 (Republic Act 9178) in La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines
Cynthia D. Garambas | Jeftee Ben B. Pinos-an
The Integration of Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) in the Tertiary Level Curriculum of Benguet State University La Trinidad Campus
Gigy G. Banes | Kristine Baniqued-Dela Cruz
Does the News Shape Our Views? Effects of Media Exposure on Implicit and Explicit Attitudes Toward Drug Addicts in the Philippines
Francis Simonh M. Bries | Karryl Mae C. Ngina | Joan Bonsol-Marasigan
Production Performance of Salad Tomato Varieties Under Conventional Cultivation and the SemiTemperate Conditions of Benguet, Philippines
Amelia M. Kimeu
Perceptions on Politics and Political Participation of Benguet State University Students
Ma. Theresa B. Dolipas
Working Conditions and Turnover Intentions of Teachers in Small Public Junior High Schools of Baguio City
Froidelyn Fernandez-Docallas | Ruth S. Batani
Teachers’ and Students’ Assessment on the Extent of Constructivism in the Senior High School Physics Learning Environment in Benguet, Philippines
Jovalson T. Abiasen | Gaudelia A. Reyes
Mastery Level of Chemistry Cognitive Competencies by Pre-Service Science Teachers of Benguet State University
Luisita L. Ely
Consumer Behavior on Full-fatted Soybean-based Food Products as Meat Alternatives among Residents of Baguio City and Benguet Province
Rodeliza A. Flores | Rochelle B. Quintos | Pelin B. Belino | Amelia G. Bawang | Florida S. Rosario | Dalifer A. Gano | Maravilla M. Senado
Effect of Drying Methods and Load Volume on Microbial Contaminants and Cup Quality of Arabica Coffee
Andres A. Basalong | Von Y. Amado | Hazel Lyn B. Talbino
Back Matter
Information for Contributors