vol. 11, no. 1 (2022)
WVSU Research Journal
The WVSU Research Journal is a scientific publication of the University Research and Development Center (URDC), West Visayas State University, Iloilo City, Philippines devoted to the publication of original papers. It is a peer-reviewed semi-annual journal that publishes reports of original researches in the area of specialization in education, nursing, arts and sciences, agriculture, forestry, communication and hospitality services, technology and medical field. It is governed by an Editorial Board composed of senior faculty members from the different colleges of the university and who track record in research publication. The Editorial Board also includes external members who have established expertise in research and publication.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Policies and Submission Guidelines
School Type and Placement of Technical Education Pre-Service Teachers for Teaching Practice Exercises in Nigeria: A Qualitative Study
Olusegun Olawale Olakotan
Discipline: Education
A Comparative Study of Digital Transformation among The Emerging Economies in Asia and Africa during 2001-2020
Puja Sunil Pawar
Discipline: Social Science
Isolation, Screening, and Characterization of Fungal Isolates with Pectinolytic Activity from Decaying Fruits
Rey G Tantiado
Discipline: Life Science