vol. 8, no. 1 (2017)
LAMDAG is a fitting concept that captures the intent of the Graduate School journal to serve as an avenue for the publication of Graduate School faculty and students’ academic outputs. The cover design shows bright light from the right corner slowly illuminating the crimson red cover; the official color of Capitol University. At the bottom of the cover is a t’nalak cloth design of the T’boli tribe in South Cotabato. The designs of each t’nalak cloth are revealed in the dreams of the T’boli weavers which they translate in fabric making each design unique to others. In the same way the academic output of each faculty and student is an illumination from concrete experiences that are woven into concepts. These concepts are now printed in this journal hoping it would also illuminate the readers. LAMDAG is published annually.
Table of contents
Open Access Subscription Access
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Editorial Policy
Table of Contents
Employees’ Commitment And Readiness For Organizational Change
Louella Yap Buot
Nous of Harvard Human Resource Management Model as Correlates to the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks
Ferdinand Abadilla Rodriguez
An Assessment on the Practice of Organizational Culture of An Electric Cooperative
Anatolio A. Penados, Jr
Shaping Safer Schools through Anti-Bullying Policies and Programs: What Works and What Doesn’t
Irish Karylle Donaldo Monte
ALS Learners’ Learning Styles: Basis for Enhanced Strategies to Improve FLT Results
Pedrito L. Galleros, Jr.
Multiple Intelligences Strategies: Developing Reading Comprehension Skills Among Junior High School Learners
Floreibel Castillo Gultiano