vol. 2, no. 1 (2011)
IAMURE International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
The IAMURE International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research aims to publish new discoveries in the various disciplines of knowledge which are contributed by member researchers from around the world. The IAMURE Journal is an international peer reviewed and multidisciplinary journal that provides a venue for scholars to publish their research findings for advocacy and utilization.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Editorial Policies and Submission for Guidelines
Philippine Journal Accreditation Service (JAS) of the Commission on Higher Education: Ensuring Quality in Higher Education Publication Towards Internationalization
Roberto N. Padua
Discipline: Education
Philosophical Orientation on Education of College Faculty in La Salle University
Emma O. Suana
Discipline: Education, Philosophy
Predictors of Teachers’ Reading Skills in a Rural School District in Northeastern Mindanao Philippines
Loveleah B. Albarillo
Discipline: Education, Education Administration
Problem and Activity-Based Approaches: Their Influence to Students’ Achievement and Retention Scores in Introductory Probability and Statistics
Fernando T. Herrera
Discipline: Education
Research Capability of State Educational Institutions: Its Relationship to the Faculty's Attitude & Involvement in Research
Renato B. Salmingo
Discipline: Education
Spirituality and Work Stress of Teacher Education Institution Faculty in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
Salvador Iii C. Dela Peña
Discipline: Education, Education Administration
Student Organizations of LPU: Assessing their Performance Towards the Attainment of Institutional Goals
Reynalda B. Garcia | Bernardo E. Bay Jr.
Discipline: Education
The Level of Disposition Toward Teaching of Second Year College Students School of Education Xavier University
Saturnina Baylon-absin | Lourdes Tolod
Discipline: Education
Validating LAS: A Designed Active Listening Tool Towards the Development of Prosocial Skills
Vicky D. Isonza
Discipline: Education, Education Administration
Psychological Function of Religious Practices
Hossein Yousofi
Discipline: Psychology, Philosophy, Health
Textual Intercourse: Gadamer’s Penetration Into the Depths of Understanding
Alexis Deodato S. Itao | Jiolito L. Benitez
Discipline: Philosophy, Languages
Students’ Performance and Satisfaction with the Cisco Academy Networking Program for Pedagogical Action in Blended Learning
Evelyn Z. Red
Discipline: Education, Computer Technology
The Effect of Constructivist Teaching Approach on the Conceptual Understanding of Biology Students
Marlyn D. Ronsairo
Discipline: Education, Cognitive Learning
Effectiveness of Constructivist Approach Experiments in Teaching Selected Physics Concepts
Lorelei C. Tabago
Discipline: Physics, Education
Domestication Performance of Indigenous Trees: A Decade of Rainforestation Experience in Degraded Karst Lands
Rumila C. Bullecer
Discipline: Forestry
Reflective Analysis on Facebook as Social Capital: Its Role in Transforming the Filipino College Students
Leah V. Cadiao | Rolando A. Alimen
Discipline: Information Technology
The Extent of Academic Freedom in Philippine Education
Ricmar P. Aquino
Discipline: Education
The Pikit Agricultural Colony: A Study Descendants of the Cebuano Colonos Within a Century (1913-2011)
Hector P. Carbon | Garry O. Apostol
Discipline: Agriculture
Women’s Political Participation in the Province of Batangas
Ma. Rosario B. Tamayo
Discipline: Governance, Gender Studies
Teachers’ Life After School
Ma. Mercedes A. Joson
Discipline: Education
Organizational Spirituality and People Management Practices of Selected Banks in Batangas City: Measures Towards Management Effectiveness
Esmenia R. Javier
Discipline: Business, Management