vol. 10, no. 1 (2014)
IAMURE International Journal of Education
The IAMURE International Journal of Education aims to publish new discoveries in Education which are contributed by member researchers from around the world.
The IAMURE International Journal of Educationis an international peer reviewed journal that provides a venue for scholars to publish their research findings for advocacy and utilization.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Policy
Visionary Leadership, Team Building Competence, and Conflict Resolution Skills of School Administrators: Structural Model on Organizational Efficiency
Arvin A. Andacao
Utilization and Equivalence of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Personal Computers for Public Schools Project: An IPO Model
Lito P. Bahian | Ismael N. Talili
Writing Proficiency Program of Freshmen Students in Bohol Island State University Clarin, Bohol
Ramil S. Bulilan | Arnulfo C. Olandria
Team Compositions in Pair Programming for Freshmen Information Technology
Geraldine D. Durias
Effectiveness of Video Lecture Material as Instructional Tool for a Statistics Class
Camila l. Likit | Renan P. Limjuco
The Use of Study Partner in the Manifestation of Science and Language Skills
Bernardo C. Lunar
Structural Equation Model on Learners’ Conceptions of Learning and Approaches to Learning as Predictors of Physics Self-Efficacy
Ray Butch D. Mahinay
A Comparison of the Effectiveness of the Lecture-Demo and Self-Instructional Module Methods in Teaching Basic LAPUNTI Arnis Strikes
Joan Grace E. Pacres