vol. 1, no. 1 (2014)
Philippine Association for the Sociology of Religion Journal
The PASR Journal is the official journal of the Philippine Association for the Sociology of Religion (PASR). It publishes (1) theoretical and methodological papers on religion as a social institution and as a process especially in relation to other social structures in Philippine society; (2) academic reviews of recent books and articles in the sociology of religion; and (3) reflections about fora, seminars and conferences organized by PASR. The journal promotes multidisciplinary/trans disciplinary and academic dialogue among scholars and practitioners in the social sciences, philosophy, theology and cultural studies by providing an academic platform for theoretical, methodological and pragmatic engagements. This journal is refereed by both international and local experts and is published annually by PASR.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
The Religious Coexistence in Lebanon: Messages and Lessons
Ziad Fahed
Discipline: Religion
The Nigerian Pentecostal Churches in the UK: Community Identity and Aspects of Boundary Maintenance
Stephen J. Hunt
Discipline: Religion
Local Actors, Global Actors: The Neo-Pentecostalists in Central America
Jesus Garcia-ruiz
Discipline: Religion
The Religious Factor in the Global World: Indicator and Modality of Management
Patrick Michel
Discipline: Religion
Framing Dakwah: Frame Alignment Processes And Kammi’s Struggle for a Sacred Society
Arundina Pratiwi
Discipline: Religion