vol. 10, no. 1 (2008)
HCDC Faculty Research Journal
The Faculty Research Journal is the Institutional Multidisciplinary-Refereed Journal of the Holy Cross of Davao College, Inc. (HCDC), published annually. This is an ideal venue for the dissemination of the scholarly works done by both faculty and staff. Furthermore, this journal helps the school in concretizing its visions through the findings of the featured studies.
Table of contents
Instructional Competencies of Holy Cross of Davao College Education Faculty Assessed Through the National Competency-Based Teacher Standard (NCBTS)
Thelma O. Alderite | Pablo F. Busquit | Danilo L. Mejica
Discipline: Education
Indigenous Practices of Maternal and Child Health Care Among the Manobo-Matigsalug Tribe in Sitio Simsimon, Barangay Kalagangan, Valencia , Bukidnon
Arnulfo B. Ramos
Discipline: Nursing
Towards a Policy Ordinance for Blood Donation Program of Davao City
Danilo L. Mejica | Nelia B. Aga
Discipline: Health, Community Development
Identification of Microbial Isolates for Antagonistic Effects against Phytophthora palmivora
Wenceslao Palma Gil
Discipline: Medicine
The Quality of Care for Hospitalized Children at Davao Medical Center
Crissa Marie Ll Nacionales
Discipline: Medicine