vol. 7, no. 1 (2015)
The Trinitian Researcher
The Trinitian Researcher is published once a year by the University Research and Development Center (URDC) of Trinity University of Asia.
The Trinitian Researcher is published once a year by the University Research and Development Center (URDC) of Trinity University of Asia.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Table of Contents
Institutional Practices of Selected World Class Hong Kong Universities
Myra Mariano-ramos
Discipline: Education
Barangay Health Workers on the Sustainability of Primary Health Care
Dan Richard D. Fernandez
Discipline: Education, Health
The Lived Experiences on Romantic Relationships of Selected Women: Understanding Their Sexuality
Discipline: Education, Sexuality Studies
Nursing Context-Based Instruction Effects on Student Achievement and Attitude in Biochemistry
Katherine N. Fernandez
Discipline: Chemistry, Science
Anti-Tuberculosis Activity of Virgin Coconut Oil Using the Resazurin Microtiter Assay
Geraldine B. Dayrit | Delia D.C Ontengco
Discipline: Health