HomeIAMURE International Journal of Social Sciencesvol. 9 no. 1 (2014)

Local and Regional Economic Development in Ilocos Sur and Ilocos Norte, Philippines: A Smart Practice in Good Governance

Bryan J. Lamarca | Ferdinand J. Lamarca

Discipline: Social Science



In Ilocos Sur and Ilocos Norte, Philippines, there is one practice to improvethe local economy that is being tried out. This is known as Local and RegionalEconomic Development. The study identified the burning economic issues andthe interventions to address them. Descriptive design was used in the study.As to methodology, rapid economic appraisal was done. Resource persons andrepresentatives from the business sector participated in the appraisal. Theirperception was obtained using methodological triangulation. The results werepresented to them for validation wherein they prepared the action plan themselves. Results showed that in Tagudin, Ilocos Sur, the top burning issues had been highcost of electricity and inadequate access to finance. To address this, investmentcollaterals were enhanced by improving power supply and rationalizing cost;improving access to finance and market. In G. Del Pilar, Ilocos Sur, the top burningissue impeding local economy is limited capital. The stakeholders proposed thegrant of additional capital for cooperatives to lend to manufacturers. The top burning issue in Alilem, Ilocos Sur is the inadequate market of products. As an intervention, an agri-trade center is supposed to be constructed from November2012 to May 2013. The top burning issue in Burgos, Ilocos Norte is improper waste segregation and disposal. To address the issue, information and educationcampaign; reproduction of flyers and brochures, audio-visuals, billboards, etc.;briefing of travellers by tourist guides; orientation of and demonstration toresidents and garbage collectors on the proper technique and process of wastemanagement by local officials were done. The study concludes that LRED is asmart practice in good governance.