vol. 9, no. 1 (2014)
IAMURE International Journal of Social Sciences
The IAMURE International Journal of Social Sciences aims to publish new discoveries in social sciences which are contributed by member researchers from around the world.
The IAMURE International Journal of Social Sciences is an international peer reviewed journal that provides a venue for scholars to publish their research findings for advocacy and utilization.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Editorial Policy
Values Shifting Pattern Relatedto Family Processes and Functioningof the Select Respondentsin the 5th District of Manila
Loreno A. Castro
Discipline: Social Science
Local and Regional Economic Development in Ilocos Sur and Ilocos Norte, Philippines: A Smart Practice in Good Governance
Bryan J. Lamarca | Ferdinand J. Lamarca
Discipline: Social Science
Age as Determinant of Performancein Local Governance and CommunityDevelopment of the SangguniangKabataan(Youth Organization)
Jean S. Dumbrique
Discipline: Social Science
Rights-Based Indicators Validationfor Millennium Development GoalsLocalization in the Selected Municipalities of Ilocos Sur
Fatima F. Rocamora
Discipline: Social Science
Blurring Boundaries of Private and Public Spheres in Social Networking:Facebook Portrayal in Focus
Fe Monique F. Musni
Discipline: Social Science
An Analysis of the Constitutional Requirements for Appointment to the Judiciary in the Social, Moral and Ethical Context
Charito M. Macalintal-sawali
Discipline: Social Science