The Concept and Practice of Social Responsibility among Second-Year Nursing Students of a Catholic University in Northern Philippines
Mary Jane H. Gonzales | Erella T Palo | Stephen Jae G. Fontanilla
Discipline: Education Development
The nursing profession is related to the practice of social responsibility. Social responsibility must be exercised early in nursing education because student nurses must learn social responsibility and practice it without prejudice. Nursing institutions must be able to equip their students to assume such responsibility in their future nursing practice. This study aims to find out the concept and practice of social responsibility in terms of commitment to others and the environment, personal discovery of values, formation of social responsibility, and approach to profession related to social commitment to identify areas of weakness to be able to strengthen those areas for optimum nursing education. The study is a descriptive survey among 209 second-year nursing students of a Catholic University using the Garcia Ramos-designed questionnaire. Findings showed that second-year nursing students have very good concepts and practices of social responsibility. There is no difference in the concept and practice of social responsibility among second-year nursing students regarding sex, religion, and section. There is a strong relationship between the concept and practice of social responsibility. Thus, further study must be done in other disciplines, especially those that seemingly need no social responsibility practice.
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