HomeInternational Social Science Reviewvol. 9 no. 1 (2024)

Exploring Organizational Climate and School Performance in Colleges: A Case Study of Tarlac Agricultural University

Sherwin S Alar

Discipline: Education



This comprehensive study investigates the organizational climate within Tarlac Agricultural University (TAU) and its profound impact on school performance. Utilizing insights from administrators, faculty members, and students, the research thoroughly examines various dimensions of TAU's academic environment. These include administrative practices, curricular programs, instructional quality, facility development, and the social and cultural dynamics of the institution. The study's findings underscore the pivotal role of a well-structured organizational climate in fostering a positive atmosphere for teaching and learning, ultimately influencing overall academic success. Key factors contributing to TAU's educational vitality encompass alignment with institutional philosophy and goals, support for professional development, effective supervision, promotion of professionalism, and investment in high-quality physical infrastructure. The study concludes with a series of recommendations designed to further enhance TAU's organizational climate, thereby optimizing student and employee performance and satisfaction.


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