Challenges Experienced by Parents and Guardians as their Children Transition from Distance to Face-To-Face Schooling
Margarita V Jaminal
Discipline: Education
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many parents and children had to change their daily routines after spending years staying at home. In this connection, some parents and guardians also see the return of traditional classroom schooling as the start of new habits. This study explored the challenges parents and guardians of learners in the Tagoloan Central School, District of Tagoloan, Division of Misamis Oriental, Philippines, experienced when their children transitioned from distance education to face-to-face schooling and employed a qualitative methodology with a phenomenological research design. Thirty participants participated through purposive sampling. An Interview Guide has used in gathering the data that were subsequently analyzed using the Moustakas’ method of data analysis. The face-to-face interview has done during the data collection. Four themes emerged in this study: learners having difficulty returning to school; the difficulty of parents balancing work and school responsibilities; difficulty resulting from unstable finances and employment of parents; and multiple duties as a result of solo parenting. The study concludes that parents and guardians have faced some adjustments and difficulties posed by transitioning from distance schooling to face-to-face schooling after the onset of COVID-19. Tagoloan Central School administrators and teachers have recommended prioritizing the best school programs to address these challenges and adjustments of parents and guardians when their children transition from distance learning to face-to-face schooling.
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