HomeThe PCMC Journalvol. 17 no. 2 (2021)

Direct Cost of Hospitalization of Pediatric Focal Epilepsy Patients in a Tertiary Medical Center

Jeric D. Dimaano | Madelyn P Pascual

Discipline: medicine by specialism



OBJECTIVES: To determine the cost of hospitalization, percentage distribution of expenses, and average expenditures covered by PhilHealth, hospital share and patient’s share in financing the hospitalization of pediatric focal epilepsy patients in a tertiary government hospital. METHODOLOGY: This is descriptive retrospective research of patients diagnosed and managed as focal epilepsy from July to December 2018. Mean, standard deviation and percentage distribution of expenses were determined. RESULTS: The mean cost of hospitalization is 21,545.96 Php and the laboratory cost contributes the most to the total cost with a mean of 6,046.08 Php. The mean cost shouldered by PhilHealth is 3,734.26 Php which is 17.33% of the total cost of hospitalization. CONCLUSION: The laboratory cost makes up most of the hospital cost. Philhealth covers a small percentage of the hospitalization cost of pediatric focal epilepsy patients with most of the total cost shortly followed by the patient’s share.


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