vol. 17, no. 2 (2021)
The PCMC Journal
The Philippine Children’s Medical Center Journal (PCMC Journal) is a peer-reviewed journal that is published bi-annually and publishes original scientific papers in basic and clinical pediatrics. It uses a single-blind peer review process, with papers from identified authors being reviewed by unidentified reviewers. The articles it accepts for publication may be in the form of collective and current reviews, original papers, case reports, lectures, essays, editorials, abstracts, or letters to the editor. All authors, reviewers, and members of the editorial board are required to submit a declaration of Conflict of Interest (COI) form of their financial and non-financial relationships and activities in relation to the journal.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Page
Table of Contents
Safety and Efficacy of Buccal Midazolam Compared to Rectal Diazepam for the Acute Treatment of Seizures in Children: A Meta-Analysis
Mara Isabel B. Calingo | Marjorie Grace M. Apigo | Mel Michel Villaluz
Discipline: medicine by specialism
Determining Satisfaction with Interpersonal Relationship with Navigator (Sn-I-Ph) Measure Among Caregivers Of Filipino Children with Cancer in a Tertiary Referral Center: A Patient Navigation Research Study
Trixy G. Chu | Julius A. Lecciones
Discipline: medicine by specialism
Direct Cost of Hospitalization of Pediatric Focal Epilepsy Patients in a Tertiary Medical Center
Jeric D. Dimaano | Madelyn P Pascual
Discipline: medicine by specialism
Efficacy and Safety of Levetiracetam versus Phenobarbital for Neonatal Seizures: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Eriberto R. Rayco | Paul Matthew Pasco
Discipline: medicine by specialism
Aicardi Syndrome: A Case Report
Camille S Cantalejo | Lucy Kathrina Banta- Banzali
Discipline: medicine by specialism
Ovarian New Growth in Progeria
Cherise Andrea E Llaneta | April Grace Berboso | Maria Therese B. Mallen
Discipline: medicine by specialism
Subcutaneous Panniculitis-Like T-Cell Lymphoma
Alexander B. Suplico Jr. | Maria Beatriz P. Gepte
Discipline: medicine by specialism
A Case Report on Gelastic Seizures
Micah Joyce L. Villalobos | Lucy Kathrina Banta- Banzali
Discipline: medicine by specialism