Open Access Subscription Access
Valdez, Anacleta P.
Discipline: Education, medical
Solidum, Judilynn N.
Discipline: medical
Florendo, Petronila E. | Rojas, Charo B. | Ilac, Adora G.
Discipline: Science, medical
Booncharean, Thitima
Discipline: Health, medical
Manzano, Diane
Cornista, Joel C.
Bustos, Marie Therese A.
Discipline: medical, Learning
Deloria, Ilde B. | Laping, Lizamyl R.
Article List (w/ medical Discipline)
Curriculum Model for Medical Technology: Lessons from International Benchmarking
Valdez, Anacleta P.
Discipline: Education, medical
The Safety of Infants and Children from Lead in Milk Formulas Commercially Available in the Philippines
Solidum, Judilynn N.
Discipline: medical
Organopesticidal Property of Callophylum inophyllum L: For a Healthier Living Condition
Florendo, Petronila E. | Rojas, Charo B. | Ilac, Adora G.
Discipline: Science, medical
The Elderly Caregiver Competency Development to Promote Long-term Elderly Health in Community
Booncharean, Thitima
Discipline: Health, medical
Communication Strategies of Younger Siblings of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Selected Tasks
Manzano, Diane
Discipline: Health, medical
Mutational analysis of the Alzheimer’s disease Amyloid 3 peptide (ïï¢) and cleavage by E. coli pitrilysin
Cornista, Joel C.
Discipline: Health, medical
Exploring Emergent Literacy Behaviors of Filipino Deaf Children
Bustos, Marie Therese A.
Discipline: medical, Learning
Population, Motorized Vehicles, Respiratory Diseases and Ambient Air Total Suspended Particulates Concentrations
Deloria, Ilde B. | Laping, Lizamyl R.
Discipline: medical