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Agulanna, Christopher
Discipline: Social, Theological, Philosophical, Anthropological, Natural and Applied Sciences
Ayantayo, Jacob Kehinde
Adelakun, A.j.
Article List (w/ Natural and Applied Sciences Discipline)
Religion, Morality, and the Realities of the Nigerian Experience
Agulanna, Christopher
Discipline: Social, Theological, Philosophical, Anthropological, Natural and Applied Sciences
The Imperativeness of Professional Ethics in Religious Studies Scholarship in Nigeria
Ayantayo, Jacob Kehinde
Discipline: Social, Theological, Philosophical, Anthropological, Natural and Applied Sciences
Acts 4:32-37: The Communal Life of the Early Church as a Panacean Measure For Reducing Poverty among Christians in Nigeria
Adelakun, A.j.
Discipline: Social, Theological, Philosophical, Anthropological, Natural and Applied Sciences