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Ilupa, Nida Abarquez
Discipline: Education, Management, Agribusiness
Eduardo, Salcedo L. | Ancheta, Patricio B. | Venturina, Virginia M. | Dobson, Robert J. | Gray, Douglas
Discipline: Agribusiness
Bautista, Jose Arceo N. | Robles, Alberto Y. | Perez, Joel A. | Velasco, Noe B. | Galang, Myrna S.
Discipline: Agriculture, Agribusiness, Socioeconomics
Lapar, Ma. Lucila
Discipline: Agribusiness, Animal Science
Villar, Edwin C. | Cruz, Emilio M. | Alo, Anna Marie P. | Venturina, Virginia M. | Gabunada Jr, F.g. | Lambio, E.t.
Luis, Edwin S. | Batungbacal, Marcela R. | Centeno, Josephine R. | Carandang, Nelia F.
Bueno, Cristy M. | Espiritu, Jonathan S.
Sevilla, Cesar C. | Lambio, Angel L. | Supangco, Enrico P. | Pacificador Jr., A.y. | Magpantay, Veneranda A. | Gayeta, E.c.
Peñalba, Francisco F.
Oliveros, Maria Cynthia R. | Magpantay, Veneranda A. | Lingayal, R.a.i.n.
Bulatao, Mary Jean G. | Escobin Jr., R. P. | Medialdia, Maria Theresa S. | Caramihan, Charles Frank L.
Discipline: Agriculture, Agribusiness, Animal Science
Rebancos, Carmelita M. | Sevilla, Cesar C. | Marcial Jr., Demetrio B. | Robles, Alberto Y. | Coimbra, L.g.d.s. | Sanchez, E.
Escobin Jr., Rectorino P. | Medialdia, Maria Theresa S. | Caramihan, Charles Frank L.
De Castro, Nenita L. | Malabayabas, Maria Luz M. | Yorobe Jr., Jose M.
Discipline: Agriculture, Agribusiness
Pascua, Elaine Camille D. | Lorenzo, Dante D.
Yakubu, Abdulmojeed | Rahman, Shehu Abdul | Musa, Ibrahim Suleiman | Husseini,
Discipline: Veterinary Medicine, Agribusiness
Article List (w/ Agribusiness Discipline)
Players of the Agribusiness System and their Problems: Philippine Case Studies
Ilupa, Nida Abarquez
Discipline: Education, Management, Agribusiness
Use of a Larval Development Assay to Estimate Anthelmintic Efficacy in Goats in Smallholder Farming Systems
Eduardo, Salcedo L. | Ancheta, Patricio B. | Venturina, Virginia M. | Dobson, Robert J. | Gray, Douglas
Discipline: Agribusiness
Demographic and Socio-Economic Profile, Biophysical Factors and Support Services to the Level of Adoption of the Smallholder Dairy Cattle Farmers in the Philippines
Bautista, Jose Arceo N. | Robles, Alberto Y. | Perez, Joel A. | Velasco, Noe B. | Galang, Myrna S.
Discipline: Agriculture, Agribusiness, Socioeconomics
Policy Options for Market-Oriented Livestock Production By Smallholder Producers: The Casren Project
Lapar, Ma. Lucila
Discipline: Agribusiness, Animal Science
Effect of Participatory Technology Development on Farmers' Changing Pattern of Worm Control in Goats
Villar, Edwin C. | Cruz, Emilio M. | Alo, Anna Marie P. | Venturina, Virginia M. | Gabunada Jr, F.g. | Lambio, E.t.
Discipline: Agribusiness, Animal Science
Effect of Lighting Regime and Handling Frequency on the Performance and Immune Response of Broiler Chickens
Luis, Edwin S. | Batungbacal, Marcela R. | Centeno, Josephine R. | Carandang, Nelia F.
Discipline: Agribusiness, Animal Science
Effect of 10-Day Ageing on the Sensory Characteristics and Tenderness of Meat from Brahman Grade Cattle and Crossbred Carabao
Bueno, Cristy M. | Espiritu, Jonathan S.
Discipline: Agribusiness, Animal Science
Characterization of Native Chicken Production System in a Coconut-Based Farming System in Dolores, Quezon
Sevilla, Cesar C. | Lambio, Angel L. | Supangco, Enrico P. | Pacificador Jr., A.y. | Magpantay, Veneranda A. | Gayeta, E.c.
Discipline: Agribusiness, Animal Science
Variation in Sow Productivity between Market Hog and Landrace x Large White (F1) Crossbred
Peñalba, Francisco F.
Discipline: Agribusiness, Animal Science
Production Performance and Marketing of Native Chicken in the First and Fourth Districts of Iloilo
Oliveros, Maria Cynthia R. | Magpantay, Veneranda A. | Lingayal, R.a.i.n.
Discipline: Agribusiness
Production Performance Of Ranged Mallard Ducks (Anas platyrynchos) Housed In Traditional And Floating Duck Sheds In Siniloan, Laguna
Bulatao, Mary Jean G. | Escobin Jr., R. P. | Medialdia, Maria Theresa S. | Caramihan, Charles Frank L.
Discipline: Agriculture, Agribusiness, Animal Science
Body Condition Score Of Cows And Calf Management In Dairy Production
Rebancos, Carmelita M. | Sevilla, Cesar C. | Marcial Jr., Demetrio B. | Robles, Alberto Y. | Coimbra, L.g.d.s. | Sanchez, E.
Discipline: Agribusiness, Animal Science
Escobin Jr., Rectorino P. | Medialdia, Maria Theresa S. | Caramihan, Charles Frank L.
Discipline: Agribusiness
Household Demand Analysis For Fresh Meat In The Philippines
De Castro, Nenita L. | Malabayabas, Maria Luz M. | Yorobe Jr., Jose M.
Discipline: Agriculture, Agribusiness
Analysis Of Goat Enterprising In Pangasinan Using The Subsector Approach
Pascua, Elaine Camille D. | Lorenzo, Dante D.
Discipline: Agriculture, Agribusiness
Tobit Analysis Of Socio-Economic Factors Affecting Chicken Meat Consumption Due To Avian Influenza Outbreak In Nasarawa State, Nigeria
Yakubu, Abdulmojeed | Rahman, Shehu Abdul | Musa, Ibrahim Suleiman | Husseini,
Discipline: Veterinary Medicine, Agribusiness