Open Access Subscription Access
Guzman, Sammy Boy
Discipline: creative writing
Pineda, Susan B. | Ruiz, Annie M. | Mayo, Vergel L.
Evardo Jr., Orville J. | Llausas, Shaina May | Ruiz, Eddielyne | Ayucan, Syndrell Mae
Article List (w/ creative writing Discipline)
Development and Validation of Sign Language-based and Contextualized Kindergarten Module for Children with Hearing Impairment
Guzman, Sammy Boy
Discipline: creative writing
Semantic Analysis on the Police Lingo in the Narratives of Students of Bachelor of Science in Law Enforcement Administration: A Forensic Linguistic Study
Pineda, Susan B. | Ruiz, Annie M. | Mayo, Vergel L.
Discipline: creative writing
A Systematic Literature Review on the Use of Grammarly in Improving the Writing Skills of ESL/EFL Students
Evardo Jr., Orville J. | Llausas, Shaina May | Ruiz, Eddielyne | Ayucan, Syndrell Mae
Discipline: creative writing