Article List (w/ Early Childhood Education Discipline)

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Development and Assessment of the Illustrated Self-help Activities of the 1996 Edition of the Portage Guide to Early Education

Gomez, Robert M. | Alderite, Maria Victoria

Discipline: Education, Early Childhood Education

Exploring children’s conceptual and procedural understanding of zero and infinity: Basic education level students investigated

De Castro, Belinda V.

Discipline: Education, Early Childhood Education

Informing and transforming schools: Ethnographic research

Buttaro, Lucia

Discipline: Literature, Early Childhood Education, Languages

Educational policyscapes in four early childhood settings: US, UK, China (PRC) and New Zealand

Mutch, Carol | Kim, Younghee | Tawakkul, Dilly

Discipline: Early Childhood Education

The Developmental Growth of the Preschoolers of COPE

Asis, Jordan Nycol | Briones, Kosmos Giga | Gordoncillo, Rachelle | Rabonsa, Michelle | Santos, Marmie

Discipline: Early Childhood Education

Preschoolers’ Verbal Interaction and Letter Identification Skill: Television Cartoon Characters as Visual Aids

Ada, Gennievie R.

Discipline: Early Childhood Education, Media

The Relationship of Emotion Regulation to Gender, Parenting Style and Academic Performance

Moreno- Javier, Joanne

Discipline: Family and Relationships, Early Childhood Education, Social Studies

Self-Efficacy, Personal Worries, and School Achievement of Primary School Students in Hong Kong

Westwood, Peter | Cheng, Nancy

Discipline: Psychology, Early Childhood Education

Fantasy or Reality: Effects of Age, Premise Content, and Task Organization on Children’s Deductive Reasoning

Jocson, Maria Rosanne M. | Lim, Nicholette G.

Discipline: Psychology, Early Childhood Education