vol. 22, no. 1 (2015)
JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research Journal
The JPAIR Multidisciplinary Journal aims to publish new discoveries in the various disciplines of knowledge which are contributed by member researchers from around the world. The JPAIR Multidisciplinary Journal is an international peer reviewed and multidisciplinary journal that provides a venue for scholars to publish their research findings for advocacy and utilization.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Table of Contents
Editorial Policy
Author Guidelines
Weed Management Potentials of Identified Invasive Weed Species
Annabella T. Carcusia | Pet Roey L. Pascual | James Francienne J. Rosit
Performance Characteristics of Anaerobic Biodegradation of Synthetic Phenolic Industrial Wastewater
Mishu Singh
Fiscal Administration Variables and Productivity of State Universities and Colleges in Western Visayas, Philippines
Nilo D. Delfin
Syntactic Patterns of News Headlines in Philippine and American Newspapers
Rommel V. Tabula | Richard S. Agbayani
Very High Level of Teaching Behavior and Outstanding Teaching Performance of Public University Faculty
Oswald T. Tolentino | Crizzle A. Bajet-paz
Potentials of Home-made Concoction as Nutrient Solution in a Modified Hydroponic System
James Francienne J. Rosit | Pet Roey L. Pascual | Jessa Rio | Meriam Mae Sacamay | Roger Alferez | Leonilla Camomot
Career Management, Employee Empowerment and Motivation in an Academic Institution: Fostering Job Satisfaction
Christopher Biore
Strategic Implementation of Maternal, Neonatal, Child Health and Nutrition Health Programs in Ilocos Sur, Philippines
Joussie Bajet Bermio
The Concepts of God and Power in the Subanon’s Myth The Creation of the Earth and the First People
Leo Andrew B. Biclar
Blended Learning Approach: A Case Study
Cristine V. Redoblo