vol. 6, no. 1 (2011)
JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research Journal
The JPAIR Multidisciplinary Journal aims to publish new discoveries in the various disciplines of knowledge which are contributed by member researchers from around the world. The JPAIR Multidisciplinary Journal is an international peer reviewed and multidisciplinary journal that provides a venue for scholars to publish their research findings for advocacy and utilization.
Table of contents
Preliminary Pages
Editorial Board
Editorial Policies and Submission Guidelines
Canonical Correlation Analysis of Student Perception on Instructional Quality and Satisfaction
Henry C. Encabo
Discipline: Education, Study and Teaching
Class Size and Academic Performance of BISU-MC Engineering Students
Virgilia Aranjuez | Adelaida Leonor Cayunda | Ryan Torralba | Eric Balili | Ann Jelly Polo
Discipline: Education, Study and Teaching
Competencies of Instructors: Its Correlation to the Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of Students
Melrose A. Sali-ot
Discipline: Education, Study and Teaching
Correlates of Word Problem Solving Capabilities in Algebra of the First Year Engineering Students
Melanie D. Lugo
Discipline: Mathematics, Education, Study and Teaching
Development and Validation of Modules in English 2: Writing in the Discipline
Mardie D. Emotin-bucjan
Discipline: Education, Study and Teaching
Dialects, Beliefs and Practices of the Tinguians of Abra
Digna Jocelyn L. Abaya | Marciana p. De Vera | Manuel A. Bajet Jr.
Discipline: Social Science, Humanities, Culture
Determinants of L.E.T. Performance of the Teacher Education Graduates in a State University
Anna Lorraine B. Pascual | Jane D. Navalta
Discipline: Education, Academic Performance
Diversity and Status of Butterflies in Mt. Timpoong and Mt. Hibok-hibok, Camiguin Island, Philippines
Joliesa Mae Salmoy Toledo | Alma B. Mohagan
Discipline: Ecology, Diversity
Gleaning, Drying and Marketing Practices of Sea Cucumber in Davao Del Sur, Philippines
Milagros C. Subaldo
Discipline: Ecology, Agriculture
LCCB as a Professional Learning Community (PLC) in the Eyes of the Faculty
Randdie P. Cuelo
Discipline: Professional Learning Community
Love and the Mentally Challenged: Unraveling the Affective Domain
Roselle J. Ranario
Discipline: Psychology
Morphological Analysis of Gay’s Spoken Discourse
Ariel B. Lunzaga | Hermabeth O. Bendulo | Nwoke Nwoke B. Bieh
Discipline: Social Science, Humanities
Perceptions of Secondary School Teachers on the Utilization of Educational Technology
Vicpher D. Garnada
Discipline: Education, Study and Teaching
Phytochemical and Pesticidal Properties of Barsanga (Cyperus rotundus Linn.)
Solita Evangeline S. Bañez | Nida Abarquez Ilupa
Discipline: Ecology
Poverty’s Political Face: The Case of Pasil, Cebu City
Rhoderick John S. Abellanosa
Discipline: Social Science, Humanities
Predictors of Nursing Board Examination Performance
Remedios T. Navarro | Aurelia T. Vitamog | Rizza Joy C. Tierra | Donna Marie J. Gonzalez
Discipline: Education, Study and Teaching
Enhancement Activities for the Day Care Centers and Development Workers
Maria Nancy Q. Cadosales
Discipline: Education, Study and Teaching
The Ati-Atihan Festival: Its Impact to the Economy and Tourism Industry in Kalibo, Aklan
Christopher G. Calopez | Charlotte Gaas | Gilbert Lleva | Diana Rose Maneclang | Dennis Fusin
Discipline: Tourism, Culture, Economy