vol. 1, no. 1 (2023)
Journal of Interdisciplinary Perspectives
The Journal of Interdisciplinary Perspectives (JIP) is a scholarly publication that embraces both multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches. It operates as a peer-reviewed, open-access journal available in both printed and online formats. Manuscripts meeting the general criteria of significance and scientific relevance are welcomed for submission to the Journal.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Editorial Policy
Guidelines for Authors
Table of Contents
Examination of Study Skills, Emotions, Engagement, and Academic Performance of Mechanical Engineering Students of CIT-University Taking Online Courses: Bases for Student and Faculty Development Program
Angelo A. Acenas | Shiela Marie Alia | Ronnel Lucero
Discipline: Education
A Grounded Theory on the Research Conceptualization Process of Mechanical Engineering Research Students
Angelo A. Acenas | Edsel P. Inocian | Michelle Mae J. Olvido
Discipline: Education
Redesigning Outcomes-Based Mechanical Engineering Course Syllabus Using the Constructive Alignment Approach
Angelo A. Acenas | Edgardo Concepcion | Roberto Base Jr.
Discipline: Education
Evaluation of Undergraduate Research Course Using Stufflebeam's Context, Input, Process, Product Model
Angelo A. Acenas
Discipline: Education
Development of a Device for Brazing Copper Pipes in HVAC Installations
Sydney Olandria | John Vincent Cabesas | Dominic Geganto | Brent Kenneth Olivar | Gerald Osa | Angelo A. Acenas
Discipline: Engineering