vol. 2, no. 4 (2024)
Journal of Interdisciplinary Perspectives
The Journal of Interdisciplinary Perspectives (JIP) is a scholarly publication that embraces both multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches. It operates as a peer-reviewed, open-access journal available in both printed and online formats. Manuscripts meeting the general criteria of significance and scientific relevance are welcomed for submission to the Journal.
Table of contents
Open Access Subscription Access
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Editorial Policy
Guidelines for Author
Table of Contents
Describing Syntactic Errors in Written Works of Grade 8 Students in English - A Phenomenological Study
Jhonnel A Tizon | Jasmin Dela Cruz
Discipline: Education
After-dark Filipino Learners: Addressing the Stress Level and Grit among Higher Educational Learners and its Relationship to Academic Performance
Kadesh Angela Caballero
Discipline: Education
The Mediating Effects of Work-Life Balance on the Relationship of School Heads’ Leadership Practices and Teachers’ Work Satisfaction
Lelet Borreba | Joel D. Potane
Discipline: Education
Assessing the Financial Literacy of the Blue-Collar Job Workers in terms of Financial Management Practices
John Lloyd P. Alarcon | Joshua M. Pamisa | Daniella Sophia Alarcon | Joven Jonen Ellacone | Rodel John Esmalde | Dave Stephen Pedroza
Discipline: Business Management
Behind the Scenes: Evaluating the Performance of University Support Personnel for Institutional Progress
Gilmilen Sanchez
Discipline: Education
Perspectives of Mental Health Professionals on Self-Diagnosis and Romanticization of Mental Illnesses
Nathania Danielle Quijano | Angelie Jayne Naval | Darwin Ignacio
Discipline: Psychology
Public Elementary Teachers’ Motivation and Pedagogical Competence In Teaching Non-Readers: A Correlational Study
Gideon Sumayo | Wilson Ortega Jr.
Discipline: Education
Curriculum Delivery of English Language Macro-skills vis-à-vis Strategic Approach of Bukidnon Jesuit Mission School Teachers
Kim Peter Diez
Discipline: Education
Nurses' Compliance Towards Infection Control Practices at Sulu Sanitarium and General Hospital
Sahid Sangkula
Discipline: Environmental and Public Health
Application of Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory: Motivational Factors and Hygiene Factors in the Financial Industry
Romario P. Ybañez
Discipline: Finance
The Moderation Analysis of Coping Strategies in the Relationship between Anxiety and Aggression among Security Personnel
John Raven Baldovino
Discipline: Psychology
Effectiveness of an ICT-Skills Enhancement Short Course Program for Barangay Functionaries ICT-Based Office Operation
Marianne Gloria
Discipline: Education
An Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Localize, Locate, and Pinpoint Strategy in Reducing Water Loss
Ken Lester Jariol
Discipline: Civil Engineering
The Interplay among Students’ Social Behavior, Thinking Skills, and Academic Performance in Core Subjects
Maria Chona Z Futalan | Abigail Santisteban
Discipline: Education
Determinants of Primary School Teachers’ Level of Self-Efficacy
Song Zizhan | Jaruvic Rafols
Discipline: Education