vol. 3, no. 1 (2012)
IAMURE International Journal of Business and Management
The IAMURE International Journal of Business and Management aims to publish new discoveries in Business and Management which are contributed by member researchers from around the world.
The IAMURE International Journal of Business and Management is an international peer reviewed journal that provides a venue for scholars to publish their research findings for advocacy and utilization.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Editorial Policy
Tax Treatment of Security and Janitorial Service Agencies: An In-Depth Study
Christopher C. Malaya
Sericulture for Sustainable Environment and Income Generation: The Case of the CHED-DMMMSU Sericulture Project
Cristeta F. Gapuz | Francisco V. Gapuz Jr.
Returns to Philippine Public Higher Education: Private, Fiscal, and Social Perspectives
Fred Avestruz
Developing Effective Listening Skills to Enhance Professional Efficiency
Manas Moulic
Organizational Communication Practices of a Multinational Company
Yazan M. Jaradat | Maria Victoria U. Sy
Epitome of Political Leadership in Rodrigo R. Duterte of Davao City, Philippines
Mona L. Laya | Jason N. Marquez
Difficulties and Ease of Philippine Students in Studying Management Science: The Case of St. Scholastica's College Manila, Philippines
Ralph A. Sabio
Managerial Skills Development of Selected Private Institutions of Higher Learning in Batangas, Philippines
Carina R. Magbojos
Corporate Governance Mechanism, Audit Quality, and Accrual Quality: Indonesia Manufacturing Company Evidence
Aloysius Harry Mukti | Ratna Wardhani
Human Resources Information System for the University of Cebu
Mark N. Abadiano
Policy Lapses and Gaps on the Formulation of Energy Laws of the Philippines: The Case of Iligan Diesel Power Plants
Ariel P. Anghay
The Strategic Value of Multidisciplinary Research and How to Leverage it in Higher Education
Tatik Suryani
The Improvement of the Women Cooperative Performance by Implementing Good Corporate Governance
Eni Wuryani