vol. 11, no. 1 (2015)
IAMURE International Journal of Business and Management
The IAMURE International Journal of Business and Management aims to publish new discoveries in Business and Management which are contributed by member researchers from around the world.
The IAMURE International Journal of Business and Management is an international peer reviewed journal that provides a venue for scholars to publish their research findings for advocacy and utilization.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Table of Contents
Editorial Policy
Guide for Authors
The Catalytic Role of Small and Medium Enterprises: Basis for Entrepreneurial Development
Taki Al Abduwani
Small Retail Strategy to Improve Performance and Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Saban Echdar
Power of Capitalism on Banking Accounting Practice in Indonesia
Nanang Shonhadji | Unti Ludidgo | Gugus Irianto | Ari Kamayanti
Constructing the Constructs of Quality Management and Work Productivity from the Lenses of Two Generational Cohorts: Millennial and Non-Millennial
Roberto DV Revilla | Zandra N. Maningas | Floricon V. Encabo
Teaching Effectiveness: Its Influence to Students’ Attitude towards Entrepreneurship and Their Academic Achievement in Business Subjects
Ida T. Suico