vol. 5, no. 10 (1969)
DLSU Dialogue: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Cultural Studies
DLSU Dialogue, an internationally refereed journal focusing on cultural studies, specifically of the Asia-Pacific geographical area to which the Philippines belongs, accepts articles, review essays, research notes, and letters responding to articles and reviews published in the journal.
Note: This journal has ceased publication. The last issue available on this site was published in 2003.
Table of contents
Trends in Language Teaching and the English Teacher Today
Lourdes Varela
Discipline: Cultural Studies
Econometrics: The Tool of Economics
Bernardo M. Villegas
Discipline: Economics, Social Science
Public Opinion, Catholic Press and the Church
Aurelio B. Calderon
Discipline: Philosophy, Social Science, Religion
An Interpretation of Student Unrest in the Japanese Universities
Kentaro Shiozukio
Discipline: Education, Social Science
Existentialism and Phenomenology: An Introduction
Emerita S. Quito
Discipline: Philosophy
Measurement and Evaluation
Melecio C. Deauna
Discipline: Education, Management
Technical Manpower and National Progress
Salvador Roxas Gonzales
Discipline: Education, Social Science
Notes and Comments
Teaching Moral Theology in College
Raul A. Unson
Discipline: Education, Religion
The Audio-Lingual Approach in Spanish Language Learning
Cesar M. Mejia
Discipline: Cultural Studies
Report on the American Historical Association Convention, New York, 1968
Marcelino A. Foronda Jr.
Discipline: History, Cultural Studies
Book Reviews
Japan's Yukio Mishima and His Latest Book
Hermenegildo Encarnacion
Discipline: Cultural Studies
The Philippine Press and the Rule of Law
Aurelio B. Calderon
Discipline: History, Cultural Studies