vol. 20, no. 2 (1985)
DLSU Dialogue: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Cultural Studies
DLSU Dialogue, an internationally refereed journal focusing on cultural studies, specifically of the Asia-Pacific geographical area to which the Philippines belongs, accepts articles, review essays, research notes, and letters responding to articles and reviews published in the journal.
Note: This journal has ceased publication. The last issue available on this site was published in 2003.
Table of contents
Three Readings of One Poem: Language and Reality in Lacaba's "In Memoriam"
Bernadette S. Oloroso
Discipline: Literature, Philippine Literature, Cultural Studies
Paul Van Buren's Linguistic Analysis: A Biblical Hermeneutics
Emmanuel Lantin
Discipline: Philosophy, Religion
Jean-Henri Fabre and Biological Systematics
Christopher K. Starr
Discipline: Cultural Studies
Australia - ASEAN Preferential Trade: Its Problems and Prospects
Jose L. Tongzon
Discipline: Economics, Social Science, Cultural Studies
Book Reviews
The Writer and His Milieu
Rosario Cruz Lucero
Discipline: Literature, Cultural Studies
The Space Between
Isagani R. Cruz
Discipline: Literature, Cultural Studies
Triumph of the Darwinian Method
Leonard Pinto
Discipline: Multidisciplinary