vol. 33, no. 2 (2007)
Philippine Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
The Philippine Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (PJVAS) is an open access journal dealing with both basic and applied researches as well as special topics in all species of animals, including companion, laboratory and farm animals and wildlife. It is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes full research works, short communications, case reports and review articles which advance the knowledge of animal and veterinary sciences and enhance the development of the livestock and poultry industry.
Table of contents
Variation in Sow Productivity between Market Hog and Landrace x Large White (F1) Crossbred
Francisco F. Peñalba
Discipline: Agribusiness, Animal Science
The Effect of Feeding Janitor Fish (Pterygoplichthys Disjunctivus) Meal on the Performance of Broilers
M.j.p. Olut | Domingo B. Roxas
Discipline: Agriculture, Animal Science
Digestibility and Feeding Value of Cattle Rumen Contents in Swine Diets
Bernardo S. Umaguing
Discipline: Veterinary Medicine, Animal Science
Performance of Broilers Fed Diets Dosed With Pirimiphos-Methyl
Veneranda A. Magpantay | Maria Cynthia R. Oliveros | Edwin S. Luis | Marcela R. Batungbacal | Nelia F. Carandang
Discipline: Veterinary Medicine, Animal Science
Growth Performance of Egg-Type Pullets Subjected to Dry and Wet Feeding Regimes
Clarita T. Dagaas | Chaddie M. Macapala
Discipline: Animal Science
Sensory Characteristics and Dressing Yield of Broilers Given Lactic Acid Bacteria, Lactose, Inulin and Flavophospholipol
V.p. Obsiomat | Ninfa P. Roxas | Marcela R. Batungbacal | Edwin S. Luis | Erlinda I. Dizon | Reynaldo C. Mabesa
Discipline: Animal Science
Production Performance and Marketing of Native Chicken in the First and Fourth Districts of Iloilo
R.a.i.n. Lingayal | Maria Cynthia R. Oliveros | Veneranda A. Magpantay
Discipline: Agribusiness
Farmer Field School for Sustainable Agriculture: Sweet Potato-Based Cattle Fattening
I.m. Adion | Ma. Teresa SJ. Valdez | J.e. Luis | C.s. Basilio | Y.f. Juan | C.j. Aguilar
Discipline: Agriculture
Abatement of Ammonia Emission by Inclusion of Probiotic in Pig Grower Diet
Antonio J. Barroga | Rocelyn M. Barroga | S.m. Barroga | G.p.l. Abella
Discipline: Veterinary Medicine, Animal Science
The Facial Vein and Its Hematological Components in Non-Pregnant Philippine Water Buffaloes (Bubalus Bubalis L.)
Ceferino P. Maala | Rio John T. Ducusin | J.d. Membrebe
Discipline: Animal Science