vol. 43, no. 1 (2010)
Philippine Journal of Psychology
The Philippine Journal of Psychology(PJP) is an international refereed journal published biannually by the Psychological Association of the Philippines. It is the flagship journal of psychology in the Philippines, and its principal aim is to promote psychological studies in the Philippines and psychological studies of the Filipino people. The PJP publishes articles representing scholarly works of Philippine psychologists, articles on psychological studies conducted with Filipino participants and/or conducted in Philippine society, cross-cultural studies including a Philippine sample, and articles of general interest to psychologists studying and working with Filipino people.
Table of contents
Preliminary Pages
Editorial Board
Information for Authors
Bahala Na as an Expression of the Filipino's Courage, Hope, Optimism, Self-efficacy and Search for the Sacred
Ma. Ligaya Manuel Menguito | Mendiola Teng-calleja
Discipline: Culture, Morality
Work-Family Conflict, Stress, and Satisfaction among Dual-Earning Couples
Renee Ann L. Ortega | Ma. Regina M. Hechanova
Discipline: Psychology, Social Studies
Self-Concept, Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Performance on Operations Involving Fractions among Diverse Academic Groups
Elmer D. Dela Rosa
Discipline: Psychology
Helping by Volunteers: A Social Representations Approach
Ma. Ligaya Manuel Menguito | Raymond A. Macapagal
Discipline: Social Science, Social Studies
Validating the Factors of the English and Filipino Versions of the Sense of Self Scale
Fraide A. Ganotice Jr. | Allan B. I. Bernardo
Discipline: Psychology
Community Resilience During Typhoon Ondoy: The Case of Ateneoville
Maria Luisa G. Adviento | Judith M. De Guzman
Discipline: Psychology, Governance