vol. 39, no. 2 (2006)
Philippine Journal of Psychology
The Philippine Journal of Psychology(PJP) is an international refereed journal published biannually by the Psychological Association of the Philippines. It is the flagship journal of psychology in the Philippines, and its principal aim is to promote psychological studies in the Philippines and psychological studies of the Filipino people. The PJP publishes articles representing scholarly works of Philippine psychologists, articles on psychological studies conducted with Filipino participants and/or conducted in Philippine society, cross-cultural studies including a Philippine sample, and articles of general interest to psychologists studying and working with Filipino people.
Table of contents
Preliminary Pages
Information for Authors
Effects of Gender and Social Status on How Filipinos Perceive Political Candidates
Raymond A. Macapagal
Discipline: Gender Studies, Social Studies
Typology and Correlates of Political Participation among Filipinos
Evangeline P. Sucgang
Discipline: Political Science, Social Studies
Studying Media Bias: Print Coverage of the Top 2004 Presidential Candidates
Moniq M. Muyargas | Cristina J. Montiel | Archimedes H. Viaje
Discipline: Political Science, Media
Stages of Collective Identification of a Freedom-Fighter: Narratives of Three Mujahedeen
Charlie M. Inzon | Cristina J. Montiel
Discipline: Sociology, Society
Revolutionary Text: Social Psychology of Cellphone Texting during People Power II
Cristina J. Montiel | Ma. Regina E. Estuar
Discipline: Psychology, Sociology
Perceived Discrimination, Collective Self-esteem, Social Support, Locus of Control, and Well-being of MNLF Integrees
Nerissa G. Redbole-buot
Discipline: Psychology
The Process of Healing War Wounds
Angelina Pacifico- Herrera
Discipline: Psychology